Challenge: Analyze Your Own Strengths and Opportunities

Personal awareness is something to value yet very few take the time to reflect on this. Everyone has dreams and goals that may or may not be fitness related but how do we get there? Are we heading in the right direction? Are we holding ourselves back? Many of us at one time or another have learned about a SWOT Analysis but very few of us have turned this around and done one on ourselves. I challenge you now to try it. The answers may surprise you.

SWOT- Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

Pick a certain goal to think about as you do this. Perhaps it is health related, maybe more career related, or family centered. It helps to find focus as you go through this acronym.

Strengths: What advantages do I have that perhaps others do not? What do I do better than others? What values do I have?

Weaknesses: What tasks do I avoid because I don’t feel comfortable doing them? What do others see as my weaknesses? Are there any personality traits holding me back?

Opportunities: Are there technologies that I have that can move me ahead? Do I have a strong network of contacts? Are there needs that I can fill?

Threats: What are some obstacles? Are my weaknesses leading to any threats?

You can do this analysis for any topic and ideally it helps move you past any problems into finding solutions, ways to overcome obstacles, and make the most of your opportunities through your strengths. If you’re really brave, you can have someone analyze you and compare answers…